V10 Vaccines for COVID-19

 COVID-19 patients have been shown to excrete viral nucleic acid at highest levels at the onset of symptoms. Clinical deterioration is usually delayed into the second week of illness and associated with laboratory features of an immune-mediated cytokine storm causing widespread inflammation and disseminated intravascular coagulation, usually with low level viraemia [17][18].

The case fatality rate (death amongst persons with disease) is consistently reported to be age dependent, with a higher percentage in elderly (aged > 70 years) cases dying, although other factors are also associated with intensive care admission and mortality [9][6][19] including sex (male > female), hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

In addition to these novel epidemic viruses with zoonotic origins, there are four other endemic human coronaviruses in circulation, HCoV2-229E, -HKU1, -NL63 and -OC43 all predominantly causing mild symptoms of the common cold [21].

Vaccines for COVID-19: The current state of play - ScienceDirect

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